Invite Dale Ahlquist

Speaking Request Form

Invite Dale Ahlquist, President of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Interested in having Dale Ahlquist give a talk at your conference or event? Since G.K. Chesterton wrote on practically every topic, Dale can give a talk on practically any topic through a Chestertonian perspective.

In addition to the popular talks listed below, Dale has given talks on beauty, atheism, Catholicism and other faiths, mysticism, detective fiction, Chesterton’s books on St. Francis of Assisi, St. Thomas Aquinas, Orthodoxy, The Everlasting Man, and many more.

Dale also offers spiritual retreats drawing on the insights of G.K. Chesterton. Scroll down to view a description and sample retreat formats.

Please complete the speaking request form and we’ll contact you with information on Dale’s availability and any other questions regarding your event. You may also contact Cathy at or call 800-343-2425.

Popular Talks

Pius XI called him a “defender of the faith,” and Ven. Fulton J. Sheen and Servant of God Dorothy Day loved him. But who was this great apologist named G.K. Chesterton?

In today’s troubling times, marriage and family life are under attack. But they were also threatened in Chesterton’s time. What insights can Chesterton give us to defend the family?

What does it mean to be a “complete thinker”? It means being able to take on a wide variety of ideas and disciplines and put them all together in a way that they work together. It means thinking like G.K. Chesterton.

The investigation into Chesterton’s Cause for Canonization has taken many by surprise. Dale will make a case why Chesterton will be declared a saint.

Defending the faith is sometimes not very pretty. Learn from the great apologist G.K. Chesterton, heralded as “defender of the faith” by Pius XI, the art of dueling intellectually.

Why is it that no one “gets” Catholic Social teaching? Dale will share his insights on why the social doctrine of the Church baffles many people, and the answer is not what you expect.

In 2008, Dale Ahlquist co-founded Chesterton Academy because of the perceived need for parent-driven, integrated education steeped in the Catholic intellectual tradition. Invite Dale to share the keys to building a successful school aimed at restoring the good, the true, and the beautiful.

Additional Sample Talks

Chesterton and the New Evangelization

Chesterton as Prophet

Chesterton for Priests

Chesterton and Relativism

Chesterton on Science and Religion

Chesterton on Mysticism

Chesterton and the Mother of God

Chesterton and the Youth of the Church

HopeRecovering the Most Neglected and Misunderstood of the Virtues

Beauty is Unanswerable: Chesterton on Art

The Ordered Mind: Chesterton and Sanity

God is Dead: Chesterton and Nietzsche

Polls and Pews: Chesterton on Politics

The Universe and Other Little Things: Chesterton on the Environment

The Ecumenical Chesterton

G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis

Unlearning Our History Lessons: Chesterton as Historian

Chesterton on the English Martyrs

Chesterton on Ireland

Puritans and Pagans

Chesterton on St. Francis of Assisi

Chesterton on St. Thomas Aquinas

A Walk Through What’s Wrong with the World

A Walk Through Orthodoxy

A Walk Through The Everlasting Man

The Art of Murder: Chesterton and Detective Fiction

Words about Words: Chesterton the Literary Critic

The Soul of Wit: Chesterton on Shakespeare

How to Write an Essay

Spiritual Retreats

Invite Dale Ahlquist to lead a spiritual retreat, in collaboration with your parish, seminary, or local retreat center. Scroll down for example three-day or half-day mini retreat formats.

Example Half-Day Mini-Retreat Format

G.K. Chesterton on Lay Spirituality, and (while we’re at it) Lay Mysticism
A look at why the role of the Catholic layman is more important today than ever before—through the eyes of that profound and prophetic writer G.K. Chesterton—who happened to be a Catholic layman.

8:30AM – Mass
9:00AM – Breakfast
9:15AM – Conference 1 – A Simple Primer on What It Means to Be a Lay Catholic
10:30AM  Break
– Conference 2 – An Exploration of Lay Mysticism and the Mystery of Suffering 
12:00PM – Lunch

Example Three Day Retreat Format

A Weekend Chesterton Retreat on Lay Spirituality
Genius and Common Sense: Chesterton, the Man for Our Times
This weekend retreat explores the vital role of Catholic laity, using the insights of one the great laymen of the Church, G.K. Chesterton. Dr. Ahlquist will introduce Chesterton with an understanding of what it means to be a lay Catholic, and focus on the transcendentals, Catholic social teaching, lay mysticism and the mystery of suffering, all through the viewpoint of G. K. Chesterton.

6:00PM – Check-in/Registration
7:00PM – Opening Conference – An Introduction to G.K. Chesterton, a Catholic Layman

8:00AM – Mass
9:00AM – Conference – A Simple Primer on What It Means to Be a Lay Catholic
11:00AM – Confession, Spiritual Direction, Meditation
12:00PM – Lunch
2:00PM – Conference – A New Look at Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
3:30PM – Break
4:00PM – Conference – The Understanding (and Misunderstanding) of Catholic Social Teaching
5:30PM – Dinner
7:00PM – Conference – An Exploration of Lay Mysticism and the Mystery of Suffering

9:30AM – Closing Conference – Concluding Remarks on Lay Spirituality – and Q & A
11:00AM –  Mass
12:00PM – Lunch and Departure