The Apostle of Common Sense (Season 3)


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Season 3 is now available on DVD. Host Dale Ahlquist and Actor Chuck Chalberg (as GKC) are back, this time joined by other actors bringing scenes from Chesterton’s fiction to life. Also two debates are re-created (with George Bernard Shaw and Robert Blatchford) and Hilaire Belloc makes an appearance! The themes in this 13-part series include: Journalism, Literary Criticism, History, Science, Miracles, the Saints, the Sacraments, Chesterton’s Friends and Enemies, and Romantic Love. This series contains the following episodes:

1. The Daily Truth (Chesterton as a journalist)
2. Words about Words (Chesterton as a Literary Critic)
3. A Short History of History. (Chesterton as a Historian)
4. A Tool or a Toy (Chesterton on the proper role of Science)
5. The Liberty of God (Miracles)
6. A Sacramental Understanding (The Sacraments in Chesterton’s fiction)
7. Chesterton and the Saints
8. Chesterton and the Mother of God
9. Ten Thousand Reasons (Chesterton’s Apologetics)
10. Chesterton’s Friends (Belloc and Baring)
11. Chesterton’s Enemies (Debate with Shaw)
12. Moments filled with Eternity (Chesterton and his wife)
13. The Battle Goes On (Chesterton and today’s culture wars)

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 1 × 8 in

Number of discs





Region 1


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