The Apostle of Common Sense (Season 2)


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Building on the same successful format as in the first series, host Dale Ahlquist and Actor Chuck Chalberg (as GKC) take a thematic approach to Chesterton for Season 2: Wonder, Paradox, Art, Education, Fads, Puritanism and Paganism, Poetry, Apologetics, and the Art of Common Sense. Also, a Chesterton Reading Plan. The first series was good; this one is even better. This series contains the following episodes:

1. Another Introduction to G.K. Chesterton
2. Wonder
3. The Riddles of God
4. The Signature of Man
5. Uneducating the Educated
6. Fancies and Fads
7. The “D” word
8. Puritans and Pagans
9. The Art of Defending the Faith – Part 1
10. The Art of Defending the Faith – Part 2
11. Talking in Rhyme
12. Recovering the Lost Art of Common Sense
13. A Chesterton Reading Plan

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 1 × 8 in

Number of discs





Region 1


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