Chesterton and C.S. Lewis by Michael Ward


The first year of our traveling Chesterton conference. First stop: Seattle, Washington. In 2009 speakers included apologist Mark Shea, Robert Moore-Jumonville, Geir Hasnes, Nathan Allen, Carl Hasler, Michael Perry, Theater of the Word’s Kevin O’Brien, Rod Bennett, Dale Ahlquist, David Deavel, and Michael Ward. Talks included, “The Danger of Trifling with Chesterton,” “GKC and/or Education,” “Chesterton and Drama,” “Learning to Fly,” “Chesterton and War,” “Chesterton and Alfred Hitchcock,” “Chesterton and Frank Capra,” “Becoming Innocent,” “Chesterton and C.S. Lewis,” “Chesterton and the Throne of Peter,” and “The Roots of Chesterton’s Spiritual Journey.

Here is your opportunity to relive or experience the conference for the first time with our audio digital downloads available in Mp3 format.

Seven Days and Seven Heavens: Chesterton and C.S. Lewis | Speaker: Michael Ward

Ordering instructions: Upon completion of your order, you will be sent an email containing a one-time only hyperlink to download your purchase (accessible for 24 hours). Please note, you will be prompted to sign in to your account prior to download.


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