Gilbert Vol. 18.5


Volume 18, Number 5 | March/April 2015
2 | Tremendous Trifles

3 | Editorial
Distributism Works

4 | Lunacy & Letters


6 | Straws in the Wind
On Believing In Oneself by G.K. Chesterton

8 | Schall on Chesterton
On Knowing Too Many People by James V. Schall, S.J.

10 | Alarms & Discursions
So, What’s Really on Your Mind? by Dale Ahlquist

14 | Miscellany of Men
“The Smartest Man I Ever Knew” by David Paul Deavel

15 | Ballad of Gilbert
The Hygienist in Heaven by G.K. Chesterton

16 | Rolling Road
Paradise and Its Problems by Dale Ahlquist

18 | In the Hills Half Heard
And We Have Seen Night Lifted in Thine Arms by Art Livingston

42 | The Signature of Man
Artists Have Been Right From The Beginning Of The World by G.K. Chesterton

44 | The Distributist
What We Want, and Why by K.L. Kenrick

47 | Chesterton’s Mail Bag
Resurrection, the Loch Ness Monster, and Feeding Christians to the Lions

48 | Letter to America
Morons by G.K. Chesterton

48 | Chesterton’s Sketchbook
Tales of the Short Bow

20 | The Infernalists by James G. Bruen Jr.

20 | Teeth by Kelsey McIntyre


22 | The Flying Inn
Moving Houses by David Beresford

23 | The Flying Stars
Which Path? by Nancy Carpentier Brown

24 | Chesterton University
Creative Vitality by Dale Ahlquist

25 | All I Survey
Fasting Fridays and Meatless Mondays by David W. Fagerberg

26 | Varied Types
The Champion of Hospitality by Victoria Darkey

28 | Fool’s Gold by Joe Campbell

30 | The Detection Club
The Siege by James G. Bruen Jr.
The Procedure by Chuck Neubecker
Investigations Are Long and Justice is Elusive
Reviewed by Chris Chan
Bloodthirsty Heirs by Steve Miller
The Father Brown Casebook by Steve Miller


36 | The Rural Life Prayerbook by Richard Aleman

37 | The Cuckoo’s Calling
Reviewed by Sean P. Dailey

40 | Fear of Film
Liberty’s Kids (2002–2003)
Reviewed by Chris Chan

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