Gilbert Vol. 16.5


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Gilbert Vol. 16 No. 5 | Mar-Apr 2013

2 | Tremendous Trifles
by Sean P. Dailey

3 | Editorial
Habemus Chestertonianum by Sean P. Dailey

4 | Lunacy & Letters

5 | Straws in the Wind
The Return of Christendom by G.K. Chesterton

8 | Schall on Chesterton
On Divorce by James V. Schall, S.J.

10 | Miscellany of Men
One of God’s Children by David Paul Deavel

12 | Rolling Road
In the Footsteps of Pope Francis by Dale Ahlquist
All Roads Lead to Rome—and None of Them are Smooth by Brent Forrest
All Roads: An International Chesterton Conference in Rome by Dale Ahlquist

19 | All is Grist
Analogies, True and False by Joe Campbell
A One-Way Trip by John Kasaian
Charity by K. Kelley Heyne

20 | Ballade of Gilbert
A Certain Evening by G.K. Chesterton

23 | Chesterton University
The Romantic

24 | Tales of the Short Bow
Waking Grady by James G. Bruen Jr.
Murder So Sweet by Grettelyn Nypaver

27 | Varied Types
Rollin’ Up the River by Victoria Darkey, with Laurie Oswald Robinson

28 | The Flying Inn
Stick to your Guns by David Beresford

29 | The Flying Stars
Guinness Memories by Nancy Carpentier Brown

30 | Jogging with G.K.
The Time it Takes by Robert Moore-Jumonville

31 | A ll I Survey
Pope Francis by David W. Fagerberg

32 | The Signature of Man
Copying by G.K. Chesterton

33 | The Detection Club
Coffee Break by James G. Bruen Jr.
A Monster and a Miracle by Chris Chan
The Detection Club: The Father Brown Casebook
The Absence of Mr. Glass
Chesterton’s Bloodthirsty Heirs
Brief Reviews of the Contemporary Mystery Scene by Steve Miller

37 | Book Reviews
Stout Hearts and Whizzing Biscuits & Stoup of Mastadon Meadow Reviewed by Chris Chan
Legends of Zita the Space Girl Reviewed by Chris Chan
A Real Life Reviewed by John Dejak

41 | Fear of Film
Sunrise Reviewed by Art Livingston

43 | First Ever International
Clerihew Contest

44 | The Distributist
Solzhenitsyn and Distributism by Joseph Pearce

47 | Chesterton’s Mail Bag
Guns and Violence and Possessiveness and Detectives

48 | Letter to America
The Old Nonsense by G.K. Chesterton


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