Gilbert Vol. 12.5


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Gilbert Vol. 12 No. 5 | March 2009

4 | Tremendous Trifles

5 | Lunacy and Letters

Save Marriage, Save Civilization

8 | Straws in the Wind
On Bluff by G.K. Chesterton

9 | The Ballad of Gilbert
“Ballade of Amateur Mystics”

10 | Schall on Chesterton
The Mere Fact of Existence by James V. Schall, S.J.

12 | Alarms & Discursions
Distributism and Sweden’s Middle Way
Interview with Allan Carlson by Dale Ahlquist

14 | The Rolling Road
Seven Reasons to Visit the Wade Center by Dale Ahlquist

16 | A Miscellany of Men
A Crank of Refinement, A Saint in the Rough by Nathan Allen

17 | Tales of the Short Bow
Life in the Meadow by John Peterson
The Jackass by James G. Bruen Jr.

20 | The Flying Inn
Scrambled Eggs by David Beresford

21 | The Flying Stars
One Bad Shop by Nancy Carpentier Brown

22 | Manalive
Changing the Culture in a Chestertonian Way, Part Three by Chris Chan

23 | Jogging with G.K.
The Essential Mystery by Robert Moore-Jumonville

24 | The Signature of Man
Gothic Art by G.K. Chesterton

26 | The Battle with the Dragon
1929? by Kyro R. Lantsberger

27 | All I Survey
A War of Words by David W. Fagerberg

28 | The Detection Club
The Busybody Club by John Peterson
Chesterton Saves the World…Again by Chris Chan
The Chesterton Files: The Sir Laverok Casebook by Steve Miller
Chesterton’s Bloodthirsty Heirs by Steve Miller

32 | ALL is GRIST
Our Own Fault by Joe Campbell
Reading Fiction by James G. Bruen, Jr.
John Heath-Stubbs by Art Livingston

36 | Book Reviews
Chesterton and the Romance of Orthodoxy: the Making of GKC 1874-1908 reviewed by Dale Ahlquist
Mere Catholicism reviewed by David Paul Deavel
Passport, A Novel reviewed by Nancy Carpentier Brown
The Seal A Priest’s Story reviewed by Dale Ahlquist
Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution and a Rational Faith reviewed by John Farrell

42 | Off the Shelf with Mike Foster
Wait Till Next Year

43 | Fear of Film
The New World reviewed by Art Livingston

44 | The Distributist
Food Frenzy by Roy Moore

46 | Chesterton University
GKC on GKC by Dale Ahlquist

47 | Chesterton’s Mail Bag
Peasants and the Fall

48 | News with Views

49 | Clerihew Corner

50 | Encore!
The Masterless Man by G.K. Chesterton


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