Gilbert Vol. 11.8


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Gilbert Vol. 11 No. 8 | Jul-Aug 2008

8 | Straws in the Wind
The Twelve Men by G.K. Chesterton

11 | The Ballad of Gilbert
By the Babe Unborn by G.K. Chesterton

12 | An Interview with Ann Petta by Dale Ahlquist

13 | Memories of Frank Petta

16 | Tales of the Short Bow
Music by John Peterson
Aches and Pains by James G. Bruen Jr.

20 | The Rolling Road
Windows on the World by Dale Ahlquist

26 | The Flying Stars
The Best Way to Celebrate Diversity: Ignore It by Nancy Carpentier Brown

27 | Jogging with G.K.
Saving Civilization by Robert Moore-Jumonville

28 | Manalive
Five Historical Phrases that Need to Go by Chris Chan

29 | The Battle with the Dragon
You Can’t Get There From Here by Kyro Lantsberger

30 | All I Survey
Democratic Choice by David Fagerberg

32 | All is Grist
The Perils of Pauline Prose by Joe Campbell
The Lock and the Key by Joe Dan Fowler
Chesterton and the Sub-Prime Mortgage Meltdown by Gerard Gregory Golden II

39 | The Distributist
Tomato Troubles by Roy F. Moore

44 | Chesterton University
Dale Ahlquist lectures on G.K. Chesterton’s The Scandal of Father Brown


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