Gilbert Vol. 10.4


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Gilbert Vol. 10 No. 4 | January-February 2007

8 | Straws in the Wind
Chaos by G.K. Chesterton

16 | A Miscellany of Men
Chesterton’s Drinking Buddy: W.R. Titterton by Dale Ahlquist

10 | Schall on Chesterton
On War and Young Men by James V. Schall, S.J.

18 | Tales of the Short Bow
The Time Traveler by John Peterson
The Incredible Ascent of Jim Jackson by James G. Bruen Jr.

21 | The Signature of Man
Velasquez by G.K. Chesterton

22 | The Flying Inn
Efficiency and Computers by David Beresford

23 | What I Saw in America
A Refuge in Paradise by Sara Bowen

24 | The Flying Stars
W.W.C.S., or Harry Potter and the Christian Family Litmus Test by Nancy Carpentier Brown

25 | All I Survey
Now We’re Cooking by David Fagerberg

26 | The Battle with the Dragon
Not Angels, but Angles by Kyro Lantsberger

28 | Jogging with G.K.
The Donkey by Robert Moore-Jumonville

29 | Manalive
What Would Happen if the Anti-Modernists Won? by Chris Chan

30 | All is Grist
Imagine That by Joe Campbell
If a Thing is Worth Doing, it is Worth Doing Badly by Thomas Martin

33 | Chestertonian University
Dale Ahlquist lectures on G.K. Chesterton’s GKC as MC

37 | The Distributist
More of Hitt’s Misses by Roy F. Moore

45 | The Ballad of Gilbert
The Logical Vegetarian by G.K. Chesterton (with an additional verse by Nathan Allen)

50 Encore!
A Very Doubtful Date by G.K. Chesterton


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