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6 Issues of Gilbert! Magazine
The best magazine in the world delivered 6 times each year! Each issue features original essays by G.K. Chesterton, more relevant (and more accurate) than anything you read in the news; incomparable quotations that please and inspire and sparkle with wit; a regular walking tour through the writings of Chesterton led by Dale Ahlquist; plus news and reviews, poems and prophecies, tools for education, evangelization, and repairing a broken world.

Videos from Dale Ahlquist
From an introduction to the life and writings to G.K. Chesterton, to a fascinating “show and tell” of Dale’s Chesterton collection, you’ll love the videos produced especially for our members.
Virtual Society Meetings
Ever wish you could talk about G.K. Chesterton with Dale Ahlquist, the world’s leading expert on Chesterton? Well, now is your chance! Every three months, members of the Society of G.K. Chesterton join Dale and Brandon Vogt, Content Director for Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, for a virtual society meeting.

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Special Conference Pricing
You’ll receive a discount on the annual Chesterton Conference held each year in a different city around the country, a marvelous gathering of dynamite speakers, provocative discussion, and fascinating people who put Catholic joy into practice.