The Norwegian Chesterton Society

One year ago Petter Kirkeholmen and Øyvind Johannes Vardenær Nilsen started a Facebook-group dedicated to G.K. Chesterton, and now we would like to formalize the establishment of an official Chesterton Society here in Norway. The name of the group is: “Det flyvende vertshuset – Norsk selskap for G.K. Chestertons fremme” which means “The Flying Inn – Norwegian Society for the furtherance of G.K. Chesterton”. We don’t have any formal members, and have not promoted the group in any way, but we see the interest in Chesterton is on the rise, his name is coming up more and more. One of Norway’s most famous authors, the catholic Sigrid Undset had Chesterton as her favorite. We would love to have the honor of being the first formal Chesterton Society in Norway.

For further information, contact Petter.


Society Leadership

Petter Kirkeholmen

[email protected]
+47 986 02 727

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