Klub ljubitelja Gilberta Keitha Chestertona

Objectives of the Klub ljubitelja Gilberta Keitha Chestertona:
* Encouraging the study and research of the literary work of Gilbert Keith Chesterton
* Gatherings of scientists and other interested persons dealing with literary work by Gilbert Keith Chesterton
* Encouraging students and young scientists and experts to deal with Gilbert Keith Chesterton’s literary work
* Establishing and developing cooperation with other similar associations and other organizations in the country and abroad, and all organizations that support the work of the Club
* The launch of the “Investigative Club” modeled on the homonymous collection of writers of detective novels in the United Kingdom.
In order to accomplish these goals, the Klub ljubitelja Gilberta Keitha Chestertona, in cooperation with the Ognjište (publisher) from Zagreb, translates and publishes Gilbert Keith Chesterton’s books in Croatian language. So far, the following books have been published: Nedužnost oca Browna, Mudrost oca Browna, Nevjerica oca Browna, Tajna oca Browna, Skandal oca Browna, Stabla ponosa / Midina maska, Napoleon od Notting Hilla, Kvartet kreposnih kriminalaca, Družba Dugog Luka, Sitnice koje život znače, Dvoglavi Div ili Zašto nije dobro imati dvije glave, Božić i iskonske igre and Heretici.
Klub ljubitelja Gilberta Keitha Chestertona and Ognjište opened the first Chesterton bookstore (Chesterton knjižara) in Croatia, Zagreb, Četvrte poljanice 8. On this link You can read more about opening our book store (source: Hrvatska Katolička mreža – Croatian Catholic Network) https://hkm.hr/kultura/prva-knjizara-chestertonovih-djela-u-hrvatskoj/

Society Leadership

Hrvoje Mirković

[email protected]

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