I will try and explain why I think a religious philosophy necessary and why I think Christianity the best religious philosophy.
Selected Works
The Theologian
Was Chesterton a theologian? Here is a terrific resource for the inquiring mind about Chesterton’s thoughts on God.
The Church is not merely armed against the heresies of the past or even of the present, but equally against those of the future, that may be the exact opposite of those of the present.
An impartial person is a good judge of many things, but not of all. He is not (for instance) a good judge of what it feels like to be partial.
St. Thomas confronts other creeds of good and evil, without at all denying evil, with a theory of two levels of good.
The Religious Aim of Education
The deepest of all desires for knowledge is the desire to know what the world is for and what we are for.
Miracles and Modern Civilisation
For, obviously, the mere fact that a thing happens seldom, under odd circumstances and with no explanation within our knowledge, is no proof that it is against natural law.
Introduction to the Book of Job
The modern habit of saying, “This is my opinion, but I may be wrong” is entirely irrational.
It is no disgrace to Christianity, it is no disgrace to any great religion, that its counsels of perfection have not made every single person perfect.