Catechism of Hockey
The Society of G.K. Chesterton

The Catechism of Hockey


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The Catechism of Hockey





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Why does hockey have so many rules? Do we still need to have penalty boxes? Can’t we get rid of offside? And why is practice so important? What’s the big deal with the Commissioner? And coaches? And referees? Why can’t they just let us play?

Anyone involved in hockey – players, parents, fans – would never take any of these questions seriously. Without the rules, there would be no hockey. And without the drills there would be no thrills.

And yet Catholics ask similar questions about the Church all the time. Why does the Church have so many rules? Why do we have to go to confession? Why do we need priests? And what’s the big deal with the Pope? Why does the faith have to be so difficult? Can’t we just play?

If you have ever needed help explaining the faith to your children, your friends and family, or even your foes, this is your new playbook. The Catechism of Hockey is one of the most unlikely, but effective Catholic resources for the New Evangelization.





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[mp_quote cite=”The Most Rev. John C. Nienstedt” quote_content=”“Don’t let the title of this book fool you. Its purpose is a most serious one—the communication of the timeless truths of our Catholic Faith using images that are compelling to the man or woman of today.”” margin=”none,none,none,none”]



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[mp_quote cite=”The Most Rev. Thomas J. Paprocki” quote_content=”“As a bishop and a hockey player, I am grateful for this contribution which I pray will be an effective tool in helping people to grow in a deeper appreciation for the Catholic faith by viewing it through the lens of the game of hockey.”” margin=”none,none,none,10″]





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[mp_quote cite=”Brian Bonin, 1996 Hobey Baker Award Winner” quote_content=”“Life is hockey? Maybe. The path to greatness is the same for both the NHL and your soul and this book will lead you there.”” margin=”none,none,none,none”]





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ISBN: 978-0-9744495-0-0
Retail price: $14.95
203 pgs.


For media inquiries or information about reselling, please contact the American Chesterton Society at 800-343-2425.





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About the Author





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Alyssa Bormes





Alyssa Bormes received her Master’s degree in Catholic Studies from the University of St. Thomas, which included study at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas in Rome, Italy. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Minnesota.





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[mp_quote cite=”Patti Brooks, Wife of the Late Herb Brooks” quote_content=”“This book is enjoyable and should be an inspiration to those involved in the game of hockey. Herbie would have been humbled by bringing hockey into the realm of spirituality.”” margin=”none,none,none,none”]






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