All Roads
The Society of G.K. Chesterton

All Roads


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All Roads

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About the Author





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Dale Ahlquist is president of the American Chesterton Society, creator and host of the popular EWTN series, The Apostle of Common Sense and co-founder of Chesterton Academy. He is the author of four books, and has edited eight books of writings by G.K. Chesterton. He and his wife have six children and live in Minneapolis.





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All Roads:

Roamin’ Catholic Apologetics





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In a series of short, sparkling chapters, Dale Ahlquist defends the Catholic faith against a wide variety of attacks that come at it from all sides. Combining quick wit, sympathetic understanding, and plenty of quotes from G.K. Chesterton, Ahlquist takes on such things as Atheism, Agnosticism, Islam, Protestantism, Materialism, Social Engineering, Environmentalism, as well as the many groups who openly oppose the moral and theological teachings of the Catholic Church. Whether in the headlines, in the classroom, or in friendly, late night debates, the Catholic doctrine is challenged on every subject, every idea, every issue. All Roads examines and resolves the most pressing questions people have about the Catholic faith, reminding readers that “all roads lead to Rome.”





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[mp_quote cite=”Brandon Vogt, Word on Fire Ministries” quote_content=”Ahlquist weaves the tapestry of Catholic teaching with joy, verve, and fresh insight, connecting all the individual strands. Where are Chesterton’s successors today? Read this book and you’ll meet one of them.” margin=”none,none,none,none”]





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[mp_quote cite=”Mark Shea, Apologist and Author” quote_content=”If there is anybody who can help the perplexed and puzzled navigate the baffling hell of post-modernity, climb the purgative mountain known as ‘Thinking’ and come to the celestial rose of divine common sense, it is Dale Ahlquist, the latter day herald of the great Poet of Common Sense, G.K. Chesterton. Read, enjoy, and grow wise!” margin=”none,none,none,none”]





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[mp_quote cite=”Joseph Pearce, Aquinas College” quote_content=”Dale Ahlquist is one of the finest communicators of the Gospel truth alive today…This is a book that will reorient the most disorientated of readers. Like a compass, it always points in the right direction.” margin=”none,none,none,none”]





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ISBN: 978-0-9744495-4-8
Retail price: $14.95
288 pgs.


For media inquiries or information about reselling, please contact the American Chesterton Society at 952-831-3096.





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