The Squires is the most official, relevant, and rambunctious club for Chestertonian teenagers in the whole world. May I also add, it is the true rebellion in the face of a million mockeries. In a world where ignorance is the norm, we read Chesterton. In a time where teenagers are truthless, we announce it all the louder. In places where paganism’s the rule, we break that rule with the strongest weapon in the young Catholic’s pocket: the rosary. The demand of this team is large, but its rewards are all the larger. For we all agree to certain guidelines and one sworn oath. The guidelines are not that important, but we all agree to pray a whole rosary, every day, for the work of this Society. It is a good work, and we wish we could do it, but we’ll have to settle for our little club for now. Perhaps you’d like to settle too. Perhaps also, you’ve searched for others who love to speak of truth, goodness, and beauty. Perhaps you’ve longed to do something difficult and dangerous with no reward but the scars on your heart and the friends by your side. Well, so do we, and if you’d like to do it with us, we’d be most happy to welcome you aboard!
The mission of this Society is spreading like a good story. Through its work, over thirty Chesterton Academies will be operating this fall and over fifty next year! The battle for truth is being fought! A war for education is being waged for the world! An order of Knights has been formed just for the occasion. So many are standing up against the culture of death simply by trying to live a good life. The Knights of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton are particularly engaged and dangerously necessary. However, the writer is not seeking to persuade the reader to join them (though it should clearly be a quest to consider). Rather, there is another idea coming to the forefront of attention. One that is especially outfitted for restless, young Chestertonians who, until now, have been rather left out of this war. For those few who are reading this and have longed to march in the ranks, long no more. Let us propose to you, The Chesterton Squires. If you are a teenager and have looked at the ads for the Knights, seen a minimum “$100 a month,” and despaired, this is perfect for you. Allow me to briefly tempt you with the idea. The Squires are similar to the Knights in the respect that it’s another giving society; however, they do not give in the same way. They will not pay with bills, but beads, with the rosary. They will turn their zealous, young hearts to the Blessed Mother, whom Gilbert loved so much, in supplication for the Society’s mission, daily. You might think it is too much, you might think; “how could you get a group of teenagers to pray five decades every day?”, but I think Chesterton would disagree with you. The rosary is our greatest weapon. Gilbert for sure was no stranger to it, and neither will we be. Through Mary will our victory come, as did the Victory of Christ. Why need we wait until we are old? Become a Squire! I know you are there just waiting for a thing like this to happen. Well, wait no longer, it has happened! I implore you, join the Squires, it is just as important as the Knights are, and far more fun. However, the fight is real, do not take it lightly. Be sure that if we enter the war we shall not be spared from the blows of the devil, for, I repeat, it is important. The war is being fought, but it still shows no signs of stopping, and we will need you before the end.
The Squires is a club for Chestertonian teenagers—a true rebellion in the face of a million mockeries. In a world where ignorance is the norm, we read Chesterton. In a time where teenagers are truthless, we announce it all the louder. We’d be most happy to welcome you aboard!
The battle for truth is being fought! A war for education is being waged! An order of Knights has been formed! The Knights of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton are particularly engaged and dangerously necessary. Let us propose to you, The Chesterton Squires. If you are a teenager this is perfect for you. Squires will turn their zealous, young hearts to the Blessed Mother, whom Gilbert loved so much, in supplication for the Society’s mission, daily. The rosary is our greatest weapon. Gilbert was no stranger to it, and neither will we be. Through Mary will our victory come, as did the Victory of Christ. Why need we wait until we are old? Become a Squire!
“I tell you naught for your comfort,
Yea, naught for your desire,
Save that the sky grows darker yet,
And the sea rises higher.”
—G.K. Chesterton, The Ballad of the White Horse (1911) Book I : The Vision of the King

Gregory K. Martin, age 17, is the first Squire of the Apostolate of Common Sense, and also a Clerihew winner.
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