Gilbert Vol. 13, No. 8 (2010)

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Gilbert Vol. 13 No. 8 | July/August 2010
Art Issue
4 | Tremendous Trifles
5 | Lunacy & Letters
7 | Editorial
The Art of Splitting Hairs
8 | Straws in the Wind
On the True Artist By G.K. Chesterton
10 | Schall on Chesterton
“The Positive Miracles of Life” by James V. Schall, S.J.
11 | Tales of the Short Bow
The Investigator by John Peterson
The Attack by James G. Bruen, Jr.
14 | Alarms and Discursions
An interview with artists Jef Murray and Timothy Jones by Therese Warmus
19 | The Signature of Man
A Gallery of Chestertonian Artists
33 | Rolling Road
Undiscovered Italy by Dale Ahlquist
35 | The Flying Inn
Beef by David Beresford
36 | The Flying Stars
The Chestertons in America by Nancy Carpentier Brown
37 | Jogging with G.K.
Through the Desert by Robert Moore-Jumonville
38 | The Battle with the Dragon
Do We Know Good Art? Do We Even Know What We Like? by Chris Chan
39 | All I Survey
Happy Meals by David Fagerberg
40 | Book Reviews
The Empty Cradle By Phillip Longman reviewed by Fr. Frederick Edlefsen
Chesterton on War and Peace by Michael W. Perry reviewed by David Paul Deavel
42 | The Detection Club
The Idea Man by John Peterson
Pie, Murder, Pie, Romance, Pie, Angst, Pie, Secrets, Pie, Lies, and More Pie by Chris Chan
45 | Chesterton University
Ending with a Bang by Dale Ahlquist
46 | The Distributist
Industry: The Distributist Solution by Richard Aleman
47 | Chesterton’s Mail Bag
Arguments That Don’t Work
48 | News With Views
50 | Letter to America
On Going Etruscan by G.K. Chesterton