Links - Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Society of G.K. Chesterton


G.K. Chesterton Links


G.K. Chesterton Mega-Links Page and Quote of the Week

David Armstrong provides that staple of the Internet – a good, long “Links” page. It is extensive and neatly organized. Here, too, find a Chesterton “Quote of the Week.”

The Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Run on a server at Wheaton College. Read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section to find out about this site – there is an abundance of literature here. You will find complete texts of the following Chesterton titles in a variety of formats: Orthodoxy, Heretics, The Club of Queer Trades, The Innocence of Father Brown, The Wisdom of Father Brown, The Man Who Was Thursday.

G.K. Chesterton Web Page

A wonderful page created by Martin Ward in the U.K. and dedicated to G.K. Chesterton. You will find a brief bio of Chesterton, a few very fine photos, links to Chesterton-related sites, and an assortment of Chesterton texts.

Chesterton Day by Day

Selections from the Writings in Prose and Verse of G. K. Chesterton, with an Extract for every Day of the Year and for each of the Moveable Feasts. (The text of a 1912 book of daily Chesterton Quotations, reprinted here in full.)

The Church of St. Teresa

The webpage of The Church of St. Teresa, Beaconsfield. Chesterton’s home parish includes pictures of Chesterton and interesting biographical information.

The Chesterton Review

This venerated journal, edited by Father Ian Boyd, has been published for 30 years. Each issue includes uncollected Chesterton material, scholarly papers, and a fascinating collection of news and notes related to Chesterton. The Chesterton Review is distributed by The Intercollegiate Studies Institute.

Some Blogs dedicated to Chesterton:
The Distributist Review
Hebdomadal Chesterton
Chesterton and Friends

If you like Chesterton, and read Russian, here you go. A Russian Chesterton Page

An Online Chesterton Discussion Group

Here is a chance to discuss all things Chestertonian. Just follow the rules.


An unofficial society for teenage Chesterton fanatics.

The Wednesday Eudemon

A witty and insightful Blog from Eric Scheske, former Editor of Gilbert Magazine.

Branching Out From GKC

C.S. Lewis and the Inklings Web Site

Lewis was an influential writer stongly influenced by G.K. Chesterton.

Christopher Dawson Page

Christopher Dawson is one of the most important (and thus most neglected) historians of the 20th century. Here, at last, is a site devoted to him.

Ronald Knox Web Page

The Ronald Knox Society of North America. Another new society devoted to another friend of Chesterton and an important writer who needs to be rediscovered. A literary genius who not only translated the entire Bible, but also wrote murder mysteries!

Orestes Brownson Web Page.

Another neglected master (and another convert), America’s greatest Catholic philosopher and theologian, who deserves to be studied and savored.


The fact that a link is provided here in no way constitutes an endorsement of what you might find on the other end of that link; nor does it constitute an objection.